SDCC Nitpicking

Hey everyone! I've been on a hiatus recently, exams and stuff. I'm not here to about that, because I just won’t.  

What’s new? San Diego Comic Con! 

So.....much.......nerdiness.....DC panel......WB......

Sorry guys, I can’t get my shit together. [Not like the last time, not that kind of shit].

So technically, I didn’t go to SDCC, but I got a lot of news, leaked trailers, and I'm just going to pretend I was there, and break down whatever I ‘saw’ and ‘heard’ over there, and also whatever I think is going to happen soon.  It’s basically going to be a whole lot of nitpicking. ..
I've used this before....

BatmanVSuperman trailer

Aww yiss. Can’t believe it is finally happening. This got me the most excited, mostly because of all the cool stuff in it.  I'm not going to SUPER-BORING NITPICK- like give you a step by step commentary on stuff you can clearly see and would have to be stupid to not understand. Here are the key points of the trailer.

     1) The world is bad, ‘Murica is angry at superman for destroying half of Metropolis in the final fight in Man of Steel. Here’s a link to that

I feel that this is based off on the audiences’ sentiments about the movie.
SCREW THEM.  I loved this movie. The destruction was justified. I mean, Zod was a Kryptonian GENERAL. Of course there would be damage, I’d be disappointed if there wasn’t. What did people want? Superman taking Zod into another planet and fighting there to avoid collateral damage, or perhaps a fight in Metropolis with minimum buildings blowing up? Well if your answer is yes, my reply is- Deal with it. This isn’t Dragon Ball Z. Collateral damage is real, just like people die when Murica send drones to Iran and Pakistan, not all the dead were bad guys. INNOCENT PEOPLE DIE! Many don't have the stomach to accept that.         
Plus, Superman barely beat him, means he is not the ‘shoot me in the eye for a dramatic 
slow-motion shot that looks cool in the movie’ kinda powerful [Brandon Routh]. More like the ‘I'm trying hard but this is my first day on the job’ kinda powerful.

People are also angry about the part where he snaps Zod’s neck. What did they want? Zod to die by an accident so that the hero doesn’t have to get his hands dirty and make the ultimate decision- to take a life? YES. Why? Because he’s batm....wait, wrong context. Because people are idiots. They hated Green Lantern for ugly CGI and too many clichés. Isn’t a villain killing himself a cliché? Example-Sam Raimi’s Spiderman Trilogy. Though it’s one the foundations of all superhero movies, it includes this boring shit in every damn movie-
·         Peter struggling with his powers
·         Having relationship issues with MJ
·         Fighting a villain who ultimately kills himself.
[Source- Screen Junkies]

You see where I'm going? This was necessary! Anyway, superman has to go to court hearings, deal with evil senators, and take advice on how to deal with people from Martha Kent, that kinda stuff.

    2)The Frank Miller Influence- Batman’s been crime fighting for 20 years, he has a metal suit that jumped straight out of the Dark Knight Returns, Batman hating Superman’s guts, this is all out Frank Miller Batman comics right here. 
    3) Batman! He’s angry. He actually helps people. He doesn’t give two f**ks about the criminals not wanting the bat symbol tattooed on their bodies. He’s played a man who wants to redeem himself- Ben Affleck [previous Daredevil], he’s as fast and good in martial arts as batman is supposed to be. He will rock.
4.      4) Zod’s dead body- okay, I don't know how that's going to play out in the movie. ‘Movie’ng on....
5.      5)Kryptonite is green again, and Lex Luthor has a shitload of it. This is obvious, the traditional superman villain with his traditional weapon. We and also find out that Batman will be using Kryptonite to beat Superman.


        6) Wonder Woman! Finally! She’s getting to be in a movie and also plays a significant role in it. Unlike Marvel, DC actually has really strong and well known female characters. Marvel still has featured only three female superheroes, and all are overshadowed by the males. Heck, Black Widow is the token female of the Avengers. While Wonder Woman is the token female of the justice league, she is part of the Trinity, including Batman and Superman, meaning she is one of the most important members of the JL. I'm not saying that Marvel is sexist, but it doesn’t have very strong female characters.

     7) Lastly, JASON TODD!  Jason Todd’s Robin suit is shown, along with graffiti on a paper saying “You let your family die”. Yeah, so no doubt at some point of time, perhaps not even in this movie, we might see Red Hood. My money is on the Batman solo movie. But I can’t wait!


This is DC’s answer to the Guardians of the Galaxy. Want a fun movie about anti-heroes being heroes? Got that. Now want a movie about BAD GUYS being heroes, against their will? Top that Marvel. 

I can’t really explain it. The trailer speaks for itself. All I can say is that those guys who hate on DC for no reason, now because of Jared Leto’s Joker, messed up, they messed up badly.
Each Joker was true to the comics...

But what I DO want to see is some humour. I don't have a problem with the Dark Knight Trilogy’s, Man of Steel’s, and probably BvS’ minimum jokes attitude. I actually understand that, but I don't want a movie starring a team of super-villains to be dark and brooding. They have HARLEY QUINN, I want to see a whole lot of bickering between the members. They shouldn’t be able to work together perfectly and should try hard to embarrass the others. YOU HEAR ME DC!?!?!?!!?

Arrow season 4

I have an infinite deal of nothing to say about this, especially because they showed an infinite deal of nothing on this. But they did show something!
1.      Arrow is now the Green Arrow, with new greener suit that looks like it took influence from the Smallville Green Arrow. It’s still cool. I'm just mad that now my phone’s back case [ which had Arrow on it] has become outdated.
2.      Diggle has a costume, I mean, identity concealment. He’s the Guardian. I can’t say I know much about him.
3.      Mr. Terrific is coming, and I still have only a feeble knowledge about that guy.
4.      Damien Darkh is coming. They’ve casted him already.
5.      I'm running out of stuff to write
6.      I've added a few points extra
7.      I'm going to stop now.
Anyway, that’s all for DC panel. Now let’s go to the Marvel panel.


[Do not have the leaked trailer, seen it though]
I honestly did not have much hope for this movie.
That's why
But this trailer, WHAM! Deadpool is actually going to have a sense of humour, talk his mouth off while fighting, meet Colossus, break the fourth wall, and burn Green Lantern. It’s going to be AWESOME! But unfortunately they didn’t officially upload trailer. I guess it didn’t go viral enough.
I mean, the suicide squad’s trailer was leaked. It went so viral that WB had to release the official trailer as they “didn’t want fans to see poor quality trailers”.

It was kinda bad that they did upload the official trailer as I had acquired the leaked trailer. I was planning on boasting about having a leaked trailer and not being able to upload it. Too bad.

That's it I guess, I really just came here to talk about BvS. I'm kinda disappointed that MCU didn’t do anything significant in this SDCC. I was honestly hoping for Captain America Civil War teaser, which I really want to watch. I totally agree with Team Cap, because everyone knows Iron Man always creates stuff that comes back to f**k him up.
That's it for now. If you managed to actually BE present at SDCC, lucky you. For those of you who weren’t there, I feel your pain. Note this, I haven't been through with everything, I might’ve forgotten or missed many points or simply didn’t come across them, but let me know in the comments below.
Next year is going to AWESOME, I can sum up my 2016 in one image.

Guys I hope you liked it, please answer the poll I inserted a month ago. If you can’t see it on your phone, you should try figuring out how to use the web version on the phone, you’ll find it. 

Yours in Demigodishness,


  1. I guess I have to do a lot of research like I did with Thor last time aroun

    1. No need. What I talked about in this was enough of an introduction.


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