Talent (or rather the lack of it)

It's that time of the year again......... Hardly any studies, different types of music playing in each class, forcing people walking down the corridors suffer the pain of listening to two juke boxes trying to out-sing each other. Is the time where my dearest basketball court is empty while the stairs are encroached upon by teenagers playing "truth or dare". You know it, yoouu love it, it's the almighty - Annual Day!!

Everyone loves annual day... Well everyone except me.  I just can't bear it. As soon as the practice session starts, I start counting the days to when I go into ultimate hell. Once I reach home, I doze off for a long as possible, hoping I might "accidently"  sleep through an entire month and wake up only on the day after annual day.

Yes, I hate it that much.

When most people all me why, I tell them is because I never get a decent role.

That's partly true. My parents are never happy with my performance. They always say my role isn't "spotlighted" enough.

Well I can't help it, each year the teachers give me a lame role.
In fifth grade, I was post of a choir group. My dad was terribly displeased. He wanted me to do an act where everyone focuses on me.

What did I do? I went out of my way to annoy him by being the host of the concert for three years straight. 
You might be thinking that I've gone nuts. How can a host not get enough attention?

But when I say "host", it don't mean like Ellen DeGeneres, Jimmy Fallon, etc.  Those guys are practically the centre of the show and are the most important people there.

But in our school? We just stand on a podium, in the farthest corner of the stage & READ OUT our dialogues. 

I even tried to LOOK fabulous. But unfortunately, the podium wasn't the transparent kind but rather the bulky block type the covers everything except your face.  Which means I could've come wearing underpants, flip-flops and tie and no one would've noticed.

My dad was pretty pissed.  Mission accomplished. 

I would've had at least ONE decent role, but even THAT was cancelled. When I was in fourth grade, I was the narrator of the most HILARIOUS play ever. But this time, I was actually an anchor, not a neglected loser.

Our skit was awesome, but due to poor planning by the school authorities, we didn't have enough time and the skit was cancelled!! At the last minute, that too.
Why only ours? Because the English-speaking-parent population was quite low, and so ours was the most expendable. 

That was the last skit our school ever did a play.  After that, it was just dancing and dancing ALL DAY LONG! 

I confess : I can't dance. When I told my parents that Annual day is dumb and they shouldn't have only dances in it. They said -
" What else could you have in an Annual Day? "

That question stung a little... What else could I do in am Annual function that would put me in the spotlight? Apart from acting and speaking, I practically have no talents I could use in this case.

Then another question popped up-" What talents do I have? "

And so began OPERATION TALENT  HUNT.  A mission to discover and write down all of them.

Let's first take a look at all the talents I know I have-

1) SPEAKING - I've delivered some pretty good speeches. I think it is obvious considering the fact that I've a host for the years.

2) ACTING - I'm not brag, but I can act pretty well.  I've even got the best actor of the year TWICE! So yeah, I think I've reached a point where I can brag and still not give a damn about humility or other stuff.

3) HUMOUR - I'm a comedian too. I love joking around. I'm not the kind kind that tells short jokes that come in the paper. Nor am I the the stand-up  comedian who tells long jokes full of comic expressions. I do comic too, don't get me wrong. But I prefer the on-the-spot jokes with reference to something we were just talking up. Like the one I mentioned in one of my previous posts "An unusual day".  Go ahead, check it out.  Anyway, I always manage to lighten the mood.

4) BASKETBALL - It took me years, but I think I can now consider myself among the top three players along my classmates. I can't shoot well, so I do everything else the best I can.  Dribbling , passing, etc. Better then EVERYONE in my class.  Only problem is that I can't shoot as well I play. 

So that's the only thing holding me back.  But I'm practising, slowly, slowly in improving, that's for certain.

Now I'm out of talents. So if you think I've just been bragging all this while.. You'll forget all that soon.....


1) DANCING - Forget it, I have two left feet and can dance with either of 'em.

2) SINGING - Now, I may have been in the choir before.  But now, I just plain suck. Maybe it's puberty and that stuff, but I don't care. My singing-in-public time has passed. A new era has begun. The age of the bathroom vocalist. *Dramatic background music*

3) ART - Passable, not exceptional.

4) INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC - Okay, now this is a sore subject for me, and I don't think it will fit in this post..... So maybe later. But don't worry, I suck at that too.

One day, while I was writing my findings (which was basically nothing) in my diary( sorry, journal), the truth hit me.

I guess this was cue for dramatic *revelation * music, coupled with a coffee cup dropping in the floor, pupils dilating, etc.  But I'll just get to it.

My talent is........... WRITING!!!. I can write! I've even won an award for it.  I've even put the award winning story on my blog, (Running for my life; do check it out).

I was about to run around telling everyone about it when I remembered - No one even knew about this quest anyway.

And that's why I keep writing. I don't think I'll ever be able to write a novel or anything (I don't have the patience for that). But I'll keep writing smaller stories on my blog, you can bet on that.

How did you like my blog? Let me know in the comments below.

Readers, brave yourself for my next entry - " 'Coz I ain't got rhythm".

Yours in demigodishness,


  1. Unni am proud of you.U got it right .U've real talent in writing.I felt as if you're standing before me in flesh and blood.That spirit of not giving up is great.I promise I'll remain your reader and critic.


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