How I tackled my exams

Okay guys.... It's not what you think..... So don't leave this page already.

I'm not here to give you some life saving advice on how to survive the "Schoolpocalype”. I'll leave that to my good friend Abby Grifith. If you WERE looking for that, I'll leave the link to his blog below.

Now, as I was saying, I'm not here to give any advice. Rather, I'm here to tell you what I DID during my exams. Now that my exams are finally over, I can actually relax.
But then again, I need to post this before exams are way past over. So I got to rush all the same.

5 pm. I reach home and sit with my phone for a while.

5:30 pm. After all the refreshments, I get (drag) myself to  the study table. Looks easy. Meh.... I'll finish off by 8 o'clock.

8 pm. Well... I've haven’t finished yet. But I've got to do some chores now. So I’ll study tomorrow morning.
4:27 am. I hear an alarm ringing. Why do I hear an alarm ringing? Why do alarms ring? How do alarms work? What is the purpose of it's existence? Is the dress blue and black or white and gold? *Deep philosophical thoughts induced by drowsiness*.

4:35 am. The ALARM!! S*it I forgot!!! I then get up and walk around the house like a zombie.

4:45 am. After freshening up, I get back to studies. Have some coffee. Can't study being drowsy.

6 am. All done. Looks like this exam is gonna be super easy.

7:30 am. OMG!!! I forgot to study that part!! F***!!!!

From 7:30 to 8:30 am. Study like you're high but you want to study. Take the book wherever you go, in the bus, in the elevator, even in the washroom.

8:30 am. Drop the book on the floor, and say the three magic words that makes everything better.

Yup, I lov...wait WTF!?
NOT these 3 WORDS!!!

Yeah!!! Much better
9:15 am. Sitting in the exam room, waiting for the paper. But don’t be too anxious for it. Accept what's coming and try to improve next time.

10:30 am. I finish off the paper. I look at my watch. 45 MINUTES LEFT!!!!! Everyone is furiously writing like they haven’t been given enough time. I get the funny feeling that I've forgotten something and start revising the paper.

10:45 am. Finished checking the paper thrice!! Now I look for ways to entertain myself. Start scribbling on the question paper, drawing s*itty pictures of whatever came across my head.

11 am. Start playing with water bottle. Try to balance it on the edge of a table. Fail. Get warned by the teacher for disturbing the class.

11 to 11:15 am. Pretend like you're playing a music instrument of your choice. Or sing your favourite song [in your head, otherwise that would be very distracting].

11:15 am. You’ve got fifteen minutes left. Control the urge of pretending that your pens are ninjas and making them fight each other.

11:30 am. Congrats! You survived! If you played with your pens, get ready for some low self esteem. Look into the sun and say in the most Bilbo-est way possible, 

From there till 5pm. Try to study but then end up fooling around, because heck, who can study with friends around.


This is what went on in my mind. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Disclaimer- This post was intended to amuse readers, readers may follow Unniposeidon’s daily routine at their own risk.

Here’s Abby’s blog link.

Yours in Demigodishness,


  1. I loved it..Well I have seen you playing with pens .You might be interested in knowing that even teachers find it hard to pass time doing supervision.Especially X Board Exam where the invigilators and supervising examiners have to keep sitting and not allowed to wlak around.(It is a good time pass, standing behind you all and redaing all those answers that you write).toady , my invigilator was doing an unniposeidon..talking to herself with animations....


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