Part One

Hey guys! Let me just start by saying that I started writing this post somewhere around Friendship day, and given the fact that I'm a very slow writer, and the shitload of homework I get every week, I'm pretty sure that it’s going to take a while by the time I upload it.

Anyway, today I'm going to be talking about the types of people on the internet.  Note that by “internet”, I mean any site or app which uses the internet, including chats. Also note that I do not intend to insult anyone with this post. I'm only here to talk about the people I've PERSONALLY observed.
Plus, even if you do feel offended, we don't care, do we?

We don't. Now if I've forgotten a particular type of person, do sound off in the comments below and I shall consider your proposal and even mention you next time.  Also, there is a fair chance that I'm describing myself in a few of these points, so you ready?

Easily butthurt people

These are the kind of people who get offended over every little thing. I felt like I should start with this in order to send a reminder- WARNING- YOU WILL GET BUTTHURT.

Most of the time, I'm not even sure if it offends them. They think that it should offend them as it offends the other members of their easily butthurt gang.
I wonder if there really is a group like this.....

I was going to even touch up on the Yulin Controversy, but then it grew so large that it needed its own post. So do check the previous post for that one....

Fangirls (who may even be boys)

These are people who are obsessed with a band, a book, a star, a TV show, WHATEVER! I mean, you don't have to be a CONSULTING DETECTIVE to know that they’re LOKIng for trouble. They will fight and kill for their favourite STARS, and that's their FAULT. While watching their favourite shows, they don't feel HUNGER. GAMES are something they don't understand. If there was a quiz, they’d answer as swift as an ARROW.

Why are words randomly capita...now I get it.

*Ba dum tuss*

   By the way, will someone explain to me what “Canon and OTP” means? Fangirls tend to create their own vocabulary. They practically spend more time thinking about the book than the author himself. I don't understand how anyone could be so obsessed over a book written so long ago. But then again, there’s the Bible.
*Religiously butthurt people attack*

Fanboys (who may even be girls)

These are people I would normally associate with comic book and comic book movies and their characters. Most of you know, I'm a batman fanboy myself. If there’s one thing fanboys love doing, it is getting into arguments with other fanboys in the comments section.
Fanboy fights in a nutshell
Handy fanboy summoning trick-
       Go to a popular comics related page
·         Shout “Superman vs. Goku” in the comments.
·         Run for your life.

Trust me; every fanboy worth his salt will start arguing. This is perhaps the bloodiest battle I've been in. Period. Believe me when I say that I've been in a lot of battles, here are some examples- 
Superman vs. Batman” Marvel vs. DC” “Deadpool vs. Deathstroke” “Batman vs. Goku” (Don't ask me about that one, even I don't know WTF was I thinking.)

Before you ask, I think Superman will beat Goku, the Death Battle(s) were perfect.

It was not!

Stupid Stalkers

Now all of us must have stalked someone’s Facebook wall at some or the other. Whether it is a crush, or when you need to buy a gift for someone’s birthday [CC], or when you're being a suspicious boyfriend or girlfriend checking the background of your new boy/girl, doesn’t matter. My point is, that the one thing every stalker must do, is remove evidence. A clumsy stalker is a bad one.

For examples, here I am, browsing through my wall, when suddenly, I see a post –“ClumsyStalker30 likes CuteFriend16’s picture dated 3 years ago”. I scroll down to see 15 more photos like this.

Coincidence? I think not.

The first thing I would like to do is slap that person upside down, in the face, with a fish. You can’t expose yourself while stalking. It is basic stalking etiquette. I'm pretty sure these notifications even came up in CuteFriend16’ wall. Way to go dude.

So thank you for reading this post. This was going to very long......

That's what she said.
So I'm going to be uploading everything in bits and pieces. If you liked my blog please subscribe and share. Do comment and let me know what you think.

Yours in Demigodishness,



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