Mankind, You have Failed this Planet.

Our planet is dying. This statement sounds like a dialogue from an action or science fiction movie. But unfortunately, it is now reality. Our rivers are polluted. Our skies look bleaker than my chances of dating Scarlet Johansson and most of the land is a barren wasteland. Recent catastrophes all over the world have proved that man made climate change is real.

Most people are aware about climate change. Many even try to live a greener lifestyle. “Reduce carbon footprint” “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” “Segregate trash” and so on. For those who are willing to sacrifice more, you can reduce your meat consumption or even become vegetarian altogether. A recent study even suggested that people refrain from having children to reduce their carbon footprint. [Sources- The Guardian] .
Citizens who are passionate about saving the world try their best to follow these principles. In some ways, they may have each contributed a minuscule bit to conserving our planet. But they are being misguided. In order to solve the problem, you have to get rid of the structure that created the problem in the first place.
While the pollution caused by major industries and factories is known by all, often nothing substantial is done about it. This is due to the fact that these industries try very hard to prevent any regulations passed against them. Such regulations would increase costs for the industries and they try to bypass those laws.

In many cases even the government helps by creating a “backdoor” for rule flouting industries. This essentially renders environment protection laws useless. In March 2017, the Indian government extended the deadline by six months for many industries that had not previously obtained environmental permits. Similarly, many laws are in place by the government, aimed at protecting the environment. But these laws are rarely heeded. Illegal mining in India is still a major problem, both economically and environmentally. Yet little to no action is taken against the sand mafia who are causing major environmental changes in the region.

India is still a developing country. That being said, it’s unlikely that their pollution levels will decrease any time soon. On the contrary, it is predicted to increase exponentially in the coming years. Though in terms of sheer quantity, India is a major contributor to CO2 to pollution, its per capita pollution is actually very low.

One country that is guilty by both kiloton standards and per capita standards in the US. In the last hundred and fifty years the US has produced more carbon dioxide than all of the European Union combined. [Source-Washington Post]
Image result for hurricane irma
hurricane irma

However, recently US pulled out of the Paris climate change accords; dealing a major blow to it. Everyday some or other climate change regulation is removed. Even in September this year, the Trump administration removed Obama era restrictions on dumping wastewater into rivers by industries. These industries include lead, mercury, and arsenic in coal-fired plants.

This is very irresponsible on their part. US, being a developed and also one of the biggest polluters in the world, has a moral responsibility to lead the fight against climate change and contribute the most to it.

Even the effects of climate change are becoming more pronounced. The recent natural disasters all over the world are evidence to it. US alone has been struck with three major hurricanes in September alone.

Despite all this, environmental pollution still hasn’t been taken seriously. People still encourage smaller steps like recycling or avoid having children. This might help, but only by a small margin. People and governments are avoiding the big fight out there. They must take responsibility and implement solid steps to control this crisis that is slowly spinning out of control. Most importantly, all of us as human beings must give our full commitment to the steps we take.


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