Silly mistekes (see what I did there?)

I think that silly mistakes are one of the worst possible ways to make mistakes in exams. It's not like to regular mistakes where you have absolutely no idea what the answer is.

I mean, when you get questions like- “What is a parrot tree?”, you might just get stumped and wonder who was the dumbass to name a tree like that, if it really is a tree and not a conspiracy by evil teachers with the sole intention to be a pain in the “posterior” of us students.

Now, if you’re like me, then you’d most likely write something stupid and hope to impress the teacher by your sense of humour.

But silly mistakes are SO stupid that once you find out that you lost marks for that, you'll end up kicking yourself for it. Like-
2+ 3 = 6

Believe it, that has happened to me a lot.

In my opinion, if you make a regular mistake, that is TOTALLY YOUR FAULT!!!! Whether you didn’t study, or got forgot to answer to a question, your mind went blank, you died, WHATEVER!!!

The point is, it's your fault, and all you can do is work harder and make sure you don’t that anymore.

But silly mistakes? They are TOTALLY YOUR FAULT!!!

Wait..., WTF????! I meant normal mistakes are your fault, but….silly mistakes can't be …. Ugh!!!... Just a moment. There seems to be an error in this post. [Which is an easier way of saying that my mind crashed.]


OKAAAAYY!!!! Now that I'm out of the writer’s block, I guess we can continue.

What I MEANT to say was that silly mistakes are worse because it is very hard to improve upon. For regular mistakes, it's fairly easy- work hard, improve on where you went wrong last time, improve your grammer oops, grammar.

But silly mistakes? You CAN'T improve on them easily. You just have to be more careful, don’t fall asleep, be alert, blah blah. It's very hard, I know.

Another advice I CAN give you is to review your answer sheet after you finish. Yes, I know it is tiring, but believe me, I can't find less than 3 mistakes each time I review it.

If you don’t want to do it, or don’t have this problem, well…… lucky you. But for those of you who do find this helpful, I'm just happy to help.

And of course I’ll be HAPPIER if you check out my previous posts and share them with your friends. Thanks.

Yours in Demigodishness,



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