
Hey, guys! I've been browsing on YouTube a LOT lately [Yes, yes mom, I admit.] So, as I was saying, I've been browsing a lot. Particularly, I've been browsing through video-blogs, or vlogs you may call it.

I've been browsing through vlogs like Ryan Higa’s Nigahiga. [Snort] That really is his vlogs name. Another fun vlog I follow is Domics, that’s completely animated, but it's a vlog all the same.

So, what I am saying is that I looked at the latest video by Ryan and I noticed that the video he uploaded FOUR days ago had more than 2 MILLION views. 

I was like WTF!!!! I was pretty surprised because, till now my blog has like 600 views, in all time! I don’t even know how many views each post has.

That’s when I realized, I don’t actually know that many famous bloggers, apart from me, I mean. Okay fine, I'm not that famous. In fact, I don’t know ANY famous blogger, I know a few friends who ARE bloggers, but that’s about it. I follow them regularly and I don’t know any more.  [I had to look it up, I knew only Huffington Post, and I didn’t know that it was a blog until now, the name just sounded familiar as some news website or something].

What I'm trying to say is, that I've noticed that vlogs and vloggers [gah, that sounded terrible] have become super- popular and I don’t even think anyone reads that often anymore. I'm not trying to say that not many people read my blogs, they don’t. What I meant was that people don’t read that often. Sure, they read novels, I STILL read novels, like, a lot, fine, not as much as I used to ever since I discovered YouTube [again mom, guilty as charged]. 

So I've already said that bloggers are not as popular as vloggers. I'm not complaining, because I understand why they do. Vloggers have each vllloooooogg of about 8 to 10 minutes and, bloggers have two pages, that’s for me. I don’t know, sometimes I have like 5 pages, I write a lot.

So, after MINUTES and MINUTES of thinking for the past HALF AN HOUR, I have come with a GRAND scheme…….

Wait for it……

Wait for it……..

I plan to start to VLOG. [TA TA TAAAAA]

So I know what you'll be thinking, “come on! You just want publicity! Don’t do this, you're a great writer! Okay, now I gotta tell ya, I am still going to write, I am still going to update my blog, I am going to write REGULARLY, but I also will be vlogging. Yup, that’s what I'm going to do. I write blogs because it is fun; I enjoy writing, not because I want fame and fortune.

Another reason for that is that I kinda find vlogs really funny. I have been browsing a lot, and I THINK, I'm starting to write blogs based on vlogs, and I'm not even doing this voluntarily. I've tried to write normally, like how I used to. But now, it's like my brain automatically THINKS like a vlllllooooooooogger. [god, that sounds awful].

I mean, I really can't help it, while I'm typing this, my brain is actually thinking that I'm doing a vlog. For the first time, I voice-recorded my blogs and THEN typed them, I've never done that before. [Man, I need to get a life.]

I'm not making a vlog because I want popularity. I'm doing it because it seems like a fun thing to try out. It might just be something I enjoy.

So, as I was saying, I'm planning to start a vlog. But, I think, your opinions too would be helpful.

Now, what do I need to start a vlog?

First off, I need a camera. Check.

Step two, I need to know how to do all the editing and stuff. You know, editing the video, cutting it. Sadly, I'm not exactly very good with computers. I practically blow up every computer I can get my hands on. So, whatever you do, don’t give me your computer, because I assure you, I can mess it up in a week, sometimes even less.

Yeah, so since I'm terrible at computers, I'm going to need someone to do that for me. [Hi Abby! I hope you get the hint, you geek! Get your specialized-in-computers-based ass over here!]

So yeah, once I get hold of a guy who can work computers better than me and manage to not blow it up, I guess I need a few actors from time to time. That’s pretty easy, I have friends. Yes, friends, I'm not a COMPLETE sociopath. Yeah, so hopefully I will have a vlog more famous than my blog, and I assure you, I will link my blog with my vlog and my vlog with my blog. I will write blogs about my vllllooooooooggg and I will make vlogs about my blogs.

So I hope you all approve of my decision to start a vlog. Well, even if you don’t, I don’t care. Fine, I do care, and I would care even more if you comment as to why you agree or disagree with my decision. Go ahead, shoot, start commenting.

Yeah, so that’s about it, check out my previous posts and thank you for watching, I mean reading this post.  Do share it with your friends.

Yours in demigodishness,



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